In this tutorial, you will see how to send an email from your own android application. To do that, Android provides the Intent.ACTION_SEND , which means that your Activity want to send some data(in our case:email, cc, bcc, subject, attachements …) to another Activity(it may be an Activity in your own application, or in another application). The activity which will receive this sent data is not specified, it is up to the receiver of this action to ask the user where the data should be sent. That’s why you should give the user the choice of how to send data by wrapping it into a Chooser (through createChooser(Intent,CharSequence) ).
- Send Email :
- Send Email with attachement:
NOTE : Android does not provide an API to send Email directly.If the device has no email client application configured, then you will got the error “No application can perform this action”. This is the case when you try to run this application on Emulator. That’s why you should test it on a real device with at least one email clients application installed and configured.
Demonstration :
This is the default screen of the demo:
Fill in details : email, subject and a message body. Click the send button:
After the button click, the app will prompt all installed email clients application on your device. Select one of them to send the email ( in my case i have picked Gmail)
Finally, all previous filled in informations will be populated to Gmail application automatically.
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